Ai HW 1

Link to tutorial video 1:
The video starts out by giving us the point of Ai which is a vector drawing software. There is actually a lot you can do to your workspace before you create it. You can adjust measurement units and how many art boards. These are all features you can use before even starting your workspace. At first I was extremely ov erwhelmed with all the tools and features. The control bar is one of the most helpful tools because it is context based so it will change depending on what object or tool you have selected. A tool that is still difficult for me to fully understand is when adjusting shapes and using the anchors and handles. 

Something very helpful is that you can use "command S' to save a document so that you can make sure you are saving often. That way you wont lose any of your work if something happens. If you hold 'shift' you can scale your shape uniformly or you can hold 'alt' and it'll change the shape from two sides. While using the star tool shape you can hold the up and down arrows to add or take away points from the shape. You can also add an anchor point to any shape. 

Something I learned from this tutorial is that the properties window is very important. It controls most of your effects and styles. To duplicate shapes you can click 'alt' on your Mac and drag. A short cut is clicking the 'V' key if you want to select the 'Selection tool'. You can also round the corners of your shape while you have the selection tool selected. If you hover over the shape you will see little circles in each corner and you can click, hold, and drag inward to make rounded edges. A cool thing I learned is that if you want to round multiple at one time you can click the circle near the edge and then hold down the shift button and select another circle. Then you can drag both at the same time. 


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