WWW / Internet / Wi-Fi / Bluetooth
Tech target.com
The internet is simply a worldwide system of computer networks. Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn are credited as inventors of the internet. January 1, 1983, is the internet's official birthday. The Internet was first created for military purposes. It then expanded for communication purposes. Now today the internet is used for all sorts of things. We use it to communicate with friends and family. We also use it for advertising, social media, and entertainment purposes.
The World Wide Web is all public websites and pages that users can access on computers and other devices. Tim Bermers Lee and Robert Cailliau are the founders of the World Wide Web. It was created in 1989. It was originally used to share information between scientists in universities and institutes around the world. The world wide web opened the internet to everyone not just scientists. It also opened blogs, video sharing, and more.
The world wide web and internet are different in many ways. The internet is the network of connected computers. The world wide web are the pages you see when you are at device, and you are online. The World Wide Web is part of the internet in short.
The first website created was info.cern.ch by Scientist Tim Berners-Lee. Yes, it is still up today. It can be accessed at http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html.
Hedy Lamarr was a Hollywood actress and inventor. She created frequency hopping which is what we use in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for wireless communication. Johnny Depp and Jeff Beck wrote a song for Hedy Lamarr called This Is a Song for Miss Hedy Lamarr. This song was written because back in the day they did not trust enough that a beautiful girl could also be a good scientist.
Jaap Haartsen is the developer of Bluetooth. It was developed in 1994. It is named Bluetooth because of Intel engineer Jim Kardach. He was the one who suggested the name after a king’s nickname “Blatand”, which directly translates to “Bluetooth”.
The developer of Wi-Fi is John O’Sullivan. The original name of Wi-Fi is Wave Lan but then got changed to Wi-Fi in 1990. The Wi-Fi logo is a symbol for wireless networks.
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