Hi! I'm Ella Riordan. I'm from the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. My first feelings of this class were nervous and unsure. I would say I am not good with photoshop. I would also say I'm not the best with technology, but I enjoy being creative and I want to learn. I took a digital photo art class my sophomore year of high school but that's about it. I enjoy hanging out with friends and family and I like to be social. I also enjoy working out, going to the pool, going out to dinner, and traveling. A fun fact about me is that I have 35 first cousins because my dad is the youngest of nine. I enjoy going to my grandmas weekly and seeing everyone. I also have three siblings, two older and one younger. My family owns a construction company so I'm currently building my new house. This will be my fourth time moving.

    Something I have accomplished in my life is graduating high school and attending college. I'm proud for how hard I worked. Though I have struggled through more difficult classes, I was able to manage my time well. I did high school cheer and gymnastics. I currently work at the local boutique in my hometown and enjoy it. I'm looking forward to becoming better with using the different types of software that come with taking this class. I'm also excited to push myself out of my comfort zone with my creativity and seeing what I can come up with. 


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