
Showing posts from December, 2023


  Artist Statement: When I first joined Digital Media Studio, I was unsure of the class. I was not the most confident with the Adobe program. My first project my calligramme to my last project my business card, I can confidently say I learned a lot. Some projects were more difficult than others, but I am proud of my work. I really enjoyed having the blog posts because it allowed me to go back and look on my work. As I became better at using the tools, I was able to go back and update my projects. Looking back on my sketches compared to my final projects was also a cool thing to look back on. 

Business Card

Sketches:   Card 1: Card 2: Card 3: Artist Statement:  All three of my business cards have my initial logo on them. My initials represent who I am, and I knew I wanted to put them on the front of the card. The color of each card has a different meaning. The first card represents my dad because he is from Ireland. The second card has tones of blues and purples because that is my sister's favorite color. Lastly, my third business card is red for my mom. This is because she moved to America from Poland when she was eighteen. I also wanted to have some sort of motivating message or thank you quote to represent gratitude. Kindness and motivation are both free pieces of information to share with everyone. 


 Document Font- Tag Brush: Self Portrait: Front of Postcard: Back of Postcard: Artist Statement: I chose to make my postcard from Chicago, Illinois because that is where I am from. I chose to use my self-portrait as the front of my postcard because it shows me and who I am. My dad's favorite color is dark blue, and my mom's favorite color is green so that is why I chose those to be the two main colors of my postcard. My tarbrush logo is also another representation of me because it is my initials overlapping with each other. On the back of my postcard, I chose a thicker font so I could have an outer glow surrounding it. 


 Original Images Used:  Animated GIF: Artist Statement: The theme for my animation that I chose was "light your own path". I chose this because I wanted to show a strong image of independence. I also used a flame because a match flame starts at small and then gets bigger. That shows how small steps can lead to big and successful outcomes. It is also my first semester in college and being in college far away from home really gave me a sense of independence. It is on me to take care of myself and my education. 

Id HW 1

 Write down any questions you may have so we can discuss them in class. In your Blog: under each video write 1-2 paragraphs about what you think which tool/tools will be easy or hard to use, how you might use it, and what you find interesting about the video. Video 1: Link! Indesign is a layout to make books, magezines, newspapers, and many other creative works. You are also able to transfer your logos from photoshop or illustrator into your books, magezines, or newspapers in Indesign. You are mostly going to be using the selection tool in Indesign. The frame tool will also be helpful in helping us work with our images. If you right click on the ruler you can easily change from picas to inches if you forgot to when creating your file. Video 2: Link! Indesign has many tools but there are tools that you will commonly use. For exmaple the selection tool, it allows you to expand your frame or crop the image. When placing an image you can click the image in once and it will appear at 10...